
Welcome! My mom's mom, started a great tradition that was handed down to my mom, and then to me and my sister. Every December, we pick one night to stay up as late as we can and bake all different kinds of cookies and dessert bars to be given as gifts on Christmas. We bake into the early hours of the morning and when we're done, the dining room table is laden with platters and plates doning the most irrestible creations. This wonderful tradition is what began my love of baking, and it is something I hope to someday share with my daughter. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog about dessert almost as much as I've enjoyed tasting and writing about dessert. Enjoy!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Chocolate Cream Pie

My family came down from Gainesville to spend Sunday with us a few weeks ago, and I really wanted to make dinner special. We made pulled pork in the crock pot and Bubba’s Beer Biscuits (a recipe from the great Paula Deen). But the the best part was supposed to be a chocolate cream pie. I followed the recipe word for word (I usually just focus on the bold words), and one hour before their arrival it was still a soupy mess, concealed beneath a perfect meringue topping. Oh well...it was a good try. If anyone can tell me what I did wrong, I would appreciate it.


 My chocolate cream pie.
I ran out to Publix and picked up this perfect chocolate cream pie from their bakery.
My daughter loved the chocolate crumb topping.
Chocolate Cream Pie Recipe:
Filling Ingredients:
  • 1 C sugar
  • 3 TB cocoa powder
  • 1 TB all-purpose flour
  • Pink of salt
  • 3 eggs yolks, beaten
  • 2 C milk
  • 1 TB butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • one 9-inch backed pie crust

Filling Directions:
  • In a sauce pan, stir together sugar, cocoa, flour and salt
  • Slowly stir on beaten yolks and the milk
  • Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens
  • Remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla
  • Pour filling in to a bowl to cool
  • Put waxed paper on the surface of the filling to prevent a crust from forming
  • When cool, pour the filling into the pie crust
Meringue Ingredients:
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/4 tsp cream of tarter
  • 1 TB sugar
Meringue Directions:
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  • Beat the egg whites with the cream of tarter until soft peaks form
  • A 1 TB of sugar at a time, beating constantly, until the whites form stiff peaks
  • Spoon meringue over the pie filling
  • Bake 10-12 minutes, until golden brown

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